1500 - 1800

Quels étaient les grands centres du marché de l’art en Europe au 18e siècle ? Qui en étaient les acteurs ? Dans quels réseaux professionnels et familiaux ces derniers s’inscrivaient-ils ? Où étaient situés les marchands de tableaux à Paris au siècle des Lumières ? A quoi ressemblait l’activité du marchande du Pont Notre Dame et la boutique de son plus célèbre occupant, François-Edmé Gersaint ?

La base de données et les applications de visualisation proposées ici visent à restituer sous une forme inédite les résultats d’une équipe de chercheurs qui se sont penchés – entre autres – sur ces questions, dans le cadre du projet Art Markets in Europe. Emergence, Development, Networks, 1500-1800, soutenu par l’ANR.

FR | EN | Human-Num

Moving Pictures. Intra-European Trade in Images, 16th-18th Centuries

Neil De Marchi & Sophie Raux (éd.)

This collection focuses overtly on the internal dynamics and links between art markets in the Early Modern period, but presupposes that art objects – here visual images – are objects of desire. During this period, however, desire changed; a great deal more of these objects came to be made for ordinary domestic consumption, including devotional purposes, than as tokens of the magnificence, piety, cultivation or learning of individual commissioners. Probably most still were commissioned, but to satisfy tastes that, though differentiated internationally, were widely shared within one country or region. Most too were commissioned at a distance, by agents, and were moved between maker and end-point distributor by specialised traders, many of whom – though far from all – were large-scale operators. The dominant focus of contributors here is therefore on the agents of this distance trade, its mechanisms and its impacts in terms of both satisfying and subtly shaping tastes, all at a range of prices. Measurement and mappings are aspects of this traffic. Focus was sharpened by concentrating on three questions: what is currently known about the number of images, whether in the form of paintings, prints, small sculptures or woven textiles, that circulated in early modern Europe? Through what channels and networks were they distributed? And what were the economic, social and institutional contexts?

Table of content

  • Introduction
    Neil De Marchi & Sophie Raux
  1. Quality, Risk and Uncertainty and the Market for Brussels Tapestry, 1450–1750
Koenraad Brosens
  2. Supply-demand Imbalance in the Antwerp Paintings Market, 1630-1680
    Neil De Marchi, Sandra Van Ginhoven, Hans J. Van Miegroet
  3. The Pont Notre Dame, Heart of the Picture Trade in France (16th-18th Centuries)
    Mickaël Szanto
  4. Circulation, Distribution and Consumption of Antwerp Paintings on the Markets of the Southern Netherlands and Northern France (1570-1680)
    Sophie Raux
  5. The Zeeland Connection: The Art Trade between the Northern and Southern Netherlands during the Seventeenth Century
    Claartje Rasterhoff & Filip Vermeylen
  6. From Flanders to Sicily: the Network of Flemish Dealers in Italy and the International (Art) Market in the 17th Century
    Natalia Gozzano
  7. Going South: The Space for Flemish Art Dealers in Seventeenth-Century Northern Italy
    Isabella Cecchini
  8. Paris, Market of Europe. Russian and English Buyers on the Paris Market in the Second Half of the 18th Century
    Patrick Michel
  9. Small Worlds. The Auction Economy in the Late Eighteenth-Century Paris Art Market
    Charlotte Guichard
  10. Bidding as a Guide for British Visual Preferences: a Late Eighteenth-Century Case Study
    Bénédicte Miyamoto
  11. Towards an Integrated Market ? The Austrian Netherlands and the Western European Trade in Previously-owned Painting (1750-1800)
    Dries Lyna

Neil De Marchi & Sophie Raux (éd.)
Moving Pictures. Intra-European Trade in Images, 16th-18th Centuries
Turnhout: Brepols, 2014
XIV+326 p., 69 b/w ill., 12 b/w tables, 178 x 254 mm, 2014
ISBN: 978-2-503-54808-1
